How desperate are you to get attention. Attract eyeballs to your writing because you're an unknown. Your agenda is pretty straightforward and your motives transparent. You want to attempt to sabotage someone's career, project, company, reputation to further your career. You're desperate to stir the pot, feel good about yourself. You present no counterevidence. You connect a couple dots based on a few data points. There's a lot more data out there. Malcolm Gladwell would tear you a new one on this. It's more or less a sloppy opinion piece that sounds smart yet is laughable to anyone with critical thinking skills. You're skills of embellishment and hyperbole are mores suited towards fiction although that's what you already write, so props to sticking to your strengths.

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I love this.

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sounds like you are financially invested in these dudes not being nazis. that seems like the only reasonable explanation at this point. in case you were wondering, this work is far from the first expose on these nerd ass racists lol

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Sounds like sounds like. Yeah read my words and sounds like. Please.

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protect that racist bag at all cost homie. right? pathetic excuse for a human.

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These nerds have a big following I wouldn’t let it faze u these people are gullible asf and believe anything with little evidence there has been no real evidence against them and won’t be I used to be friend with someone that killed 11 people does it mean I’m involved people are just dumb

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Yeah the biggest issue is just critical thinking skills. I own no assets tied to large nft collections but I have no problem pointing out massive gaps in logic. In my circle of academics, doctors, lawyers, and screenwriters this falls massively short of anything substantial. Then we have these bait clicking twitter obsessed conspiracy theorists/gullible sheeple/bandwagon jumpers who are all too keen to jump into the fray and add omgs with explanation points.

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022

100% dont have to be a conspiracy theorist to look at a body of work with consistent racist/nazi dog whistles all over it to believe the curators are painting a picture with their art. Stop trying to gaslight people. If you want to use logic, then leave out this appeal to authority as if your critique of a critique isn't less than short of anything substantial.

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cites lack “critical thinking skills” yet employs hyperbolic phrasing including overuse of “massive” and points to one’s circle of “academics, doctors, lawyers, and screenwriters.” what’s next? is the author not invited to your birthday party which is going to be massive?

also, it’s “exclamation points” not “explanation points”

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cites nothing, makes no points. See above.

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"In my circle of academics, doctors, lawyers, and screenwriters" LMAO

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In your circles of twitter and people who use LMAO

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Please show your skills in critical thinking here and lay out your case. Why is this nonsense? Evidence, address individual examples and the strongest ones, there are many to choose from. Why do they keep changing their locations and lying (kali yuga Gordon) changing names that aren’t supposed to be problematic coindesk taking down an article explaining ice berg theory and Wittgenstein’s relation to the hidden messages in the collection. Why all of the deception after the fact if there’s nothing to hide? Call yourself a critical thinker, seems like a case of Dunning Kruger if you ask me. Prove me wrong here, with facts not your self perceived superiority when it comes to “critical thinking” and logic. Because from the outside you’re lacking both in a major way.

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deletedAug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022
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I taught him to shoot and we talked about shooting a lot and after he thanked me for teaching him to shoot

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Yeah it's a pretty sad state of affairs. I believe the author has a deeply rooted underlying belief that attention = love and he's trying to make himself more loveable. We can just love people regardless.

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I actually very much enjoyed this article. Seems like you guys are fans of apes or nazis or both.

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Or you just wanna protect your bag from this ever being true. Usually when something keeps showing too many occurrences to question how that is so than you start to question it possibly being fact or at least some truths behind it besides it being an outright fraud of a story. The fact he’s close friends with this awful person who represents a lot of bad things and he’s being thanked by him is a huge red flag. I’m a Jewish person and if someone thanks me in a neo Nazi type book I would have said take my damn name out of that garage as most normal people would. He obviously did not and talked to him about his book after reading pages of it.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Wave

Also wouldn't any person who is thanked in a book and who has such a friend at least familiarize themselves with the book in question? At least know what it's about and what's in it. You really don't have to read every single word of it to know that. I don't buy for a minute that he hasn't done these things. So that's another lie.

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i would conjecture you don't "buy" a lot of stuff outside of this as well. These kind of reactions speak more to your psychological make up then even the case at hand. Please go talk to some investigative journalists about the credibility that this lends itself too.

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022

I would conjecture you make a lot of conjectures about people on the Internet you don't know. You do you mate. Amusing how you just made a bunch of assumptions about who I am and what I think, yet your main argument was to not jump to conclusions and be skeptical. Maybe that "critical thinking" is something you should reconsider in yourself.

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You just repeated the same words back to me as i know you are but what am I. Grow up.

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Own no nfts. Maybe you should be the next protagonist in the Jack Reacher franchise because you're really good at reaching.

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He's quite consistently focused on facts across all his articles with little to no assumptions.

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Isn’t it all assumptions nothing he said is facts other than he knew him

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From a psychoanalytical framework I would say that holds true. I would also argue it's not the whole story but someone's deep underlying core beliefs no doubt inform their action to much greater degrees than people realize.

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JP you sound lame AF

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Better than dumb AF

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Interesting you don’t address any of the accusations and direct evidence. Yet you assuredly express this as a piece of sabotage while completely ignoring the endless “coincidences” present in said nft collection whose creators who clearly dabble in the things spoken of above. How many “coincidences” in names puzzles traits connections to friends in that alt right circle and ExPat etc do you have to have to see it as more than just a random coincidence? Why would you not address the individual examples if you’re so adamant about this being a piece based on lies assumptions and half truths. Your critique explaining “they should stick to fiction” is a form of ad hominem without actually addressing why or what exactly makes this well researched article nonsensical. Speaking from a place of authority per se without any justification of why your opinion holds such merit absent evidence and proof. Dance around the issue and point fingers while never really saying anything at all. Try harder

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Also your page simply says critical thinker. So where’s the above mentioned title in your line of thinking? Coincidence after coincidence, yet people have buried celebrities and political figures with 1/20th of the actual evidence and data provided here, with the people pushing said cancellations feeling like they accomplished something major… only to later find out the circumstantial evidence was just that and the factual truth of the matter didn’t line up whatsoever with the accusations and insinuations. This is not one of those cases as we can see them lying going back on statements having over 10 major names clues traits puzzles all leading to one conclusion… and 10 is putting it lightly. At least go through the evidence properly then state your case with examples and reasons said info is not pointing towards one clear “place”

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You sound like a very rational person. A rarity in today's modern age.

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deletedAug 1, 2022Liked by Wave
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If you think this level of analysis can accurately reach certain conclusions you're not well versed in what real investigative reporting entails.

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How about you inform us almighty one, again examples of why these clearly laid out proofs are incorrect. State your case with the same level of attention to detail and research, shit even a fraction of it. Show people why you’re beliefs that this is nonsense holds weight instead of trying to speak down to people who believe something based on mounds of evidence. So your approach is to attack and belittle someone’s research without refuting it yourself with data and proof? Hold yourself to your own standards. That may be a good start for someone who prides themselves on critical thinking. Oh and maybe address the illegal marketing by giving away NfTs for promo with noting such, circle pay it is right? They are supposed to disclose that. Manipulation at the very least is beyond shady. Guy O saying who is he to judge art when confronted with this info, instead of having morals as a Jewish man and recognizing what is right in front of his face. Billions of dollars can do that to someone, doesn’t make it any less fucked up.

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Not the right target demographic. This kind of publishing is suited towards salacious headlines and allegations. The dopamine hits they get from that I guess make them happy.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Wave

Dude is a lying racist. Thanks for the write-up.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Wave

embarrassing some people are saying this is disingenuous. i read the first work from this person on “yuga labs” and thought it was horrifically gracious to them. this article was well researched, and i think it’s pretty well established at this point defending these dudes is a losing proposition. stunning it took so long to come out, but thanks to work like this, we are all aware now.

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Same mechanisms as when celebrities in Hollywood are covered and suddenly stories "come out" years later. People don't want to believe bad things about what they are intellectually & financially invested in. Just looking the other way. Same here. And Yuga makes it as easy as possible to look the other way.

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good way of putting it. also a lot easier to see from the outside. "plausible deniability" is the whole game, unfortunately. if you haven't seen "bored ape nazi club", you need to. someone said something along the lines of "there's only so many reaches till you're there" or something lol. lots of weird little coincidences (like weird nazi references on ape #1488 and stuff, or the logo), that, in totality, make these dudes look a whole lot worse... would like to see waveninja here do more of his in-depth diving into more aspects of that video. i thought his first piece was a softball but it appears we are getting to the juicier stuff

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seriously the logo in and of itself is incredibly hard to deflect imo

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Wave

Great read, the opposite of "desperate". "Desperate" is what some comments under this article sound like. Notice how the critics of this article never even address the merit of it. And there are plenty of very straight forward facts laid out. The timeline of ever-changing answers. The incredulous explanations that make no sense. It's pretty damn difficult to win that conversation on merit, so they don't even try.

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Great reporting. I published a Polly synthesis (Amazon's machine learning voice service which costs money to use) with tweaked pronunciations and different voices for you and Aronow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZKGTTiQRG4

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great article and great work uncovering these truths. As Ryder's father, i can tell you that he has better things to do such as his creative work with making music videos, art direction, branding , etc.than trying to expose BAYC and their hateful roots. Ryder is deeply connected to all peoples and his awareness of the trolling racism and anti-semitism of the apes and their founders aroused in him a personal response commensurate with the scale of their lies. HIs task is daunting but knowing him as i do, he will prevail.

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And he’ll also make 1.8 million dollars along the way off his “satire” and give nothing back to the community he’s “defending”. Bunch of racist trolls, trolling and making money off of their distortions. Racist level: inception.

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Wave

Thank you, for sharing samples of Marrero's writing. Now I have seen for myself that it sucks. His feeble attempts to create art indict his own ideology.

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You are mentally Ill sir

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"So anyway, this other guy that the Yuga founders once knew is a bad guy! Look how they admit they knew him!" What is this excuse for journalism?

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you only remember the part you want from articles dont you? you must be a trump supporter as well.

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Good read only thing is you mention he said he didn’t read the book at all just was mentioned and thanked but then saw he proof read it and worked on it which one?

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So am I.

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A lot of assumptions here presented as fact. There’s a conversation to be had about yuga’s imagery, but proffering your opinions on the situation as verifiable truth is wrong.

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I can’t take waveninja seriously when he himself is involved with 2 known racist and sexist people. A bunch of racists telling other ppl something is racist. Love that white people use racism as their weapon. Ryder ripps and pauly are racist sexist bigots

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022

yeah. It sucks to see people respond to examples of ryders racism with ‘don’t shoot the messenger!!!’ when in reality, Ryder’s racism and financial incentives for yugas downfall erode any objectivity he could have claimed.

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I'm not Ryder lol

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not sure why you think that I'm under that impression, but hey, glad you're not ryder.

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This is probably all true f*****g bullshit. To get that recognition they did some racist ass bs and support that shit throughout the shadow community 💯

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This is some cry baby school narc shit. Who fucking cares man, go make music or art direct your dad says you’re pretty good at it after all....

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